Pharmacy Social Media Marketing

Facebook and Google are key marketing platforms to grow your pharmacy digitally. We have developed a service designed to attract new patients while staying in touch with current patients. Did we mention NO CONTRACTS?

Pharmacy Marketing that increases script count!

Our team manages your Facebook and Google pages, running ads and creating organic content for your pharmacy.

In addition to our social media + Google service, we include a custom pharmacy website design. All of our websites are professionally designed and maintained.

Our social media + Google marketing package is great for all types of pharmacy marketing needs. Talk to us today to get started. 

Photo of different forms of social media marketing on phone, tablet, desktop.

Pharmacy marketing plan for independent pharmacies.

Image of social media and facebook posts for pharmacy
Photo of pharmacy facebook page on desktop and phone

Facebook for Pharmacy

Your pharmacy may already be on Facebook and has patients following, that’s a great start. Our pharmacy social media marketing service is designed such that it also includes strategies to grow your current Facebook page and promote your pharmacy through organic post and Facebook Ads.

Dedicated Social Media Manager

With PharmacyLive you receive your very own marketing professional that works to develop new marketing strategies every month. We also create custom and organic content that will promote patient engagement. We target specific demographics in your area and show them why they need to switch to a local pharmacy.

Our Pharmacy social media marketing is designed to get REAL RESULTS. We promote a variety of call to actions including: Call Now, Send Message, Driving Directions and more! Book a meeting now to learn more about our Facebook and social media service.

Google for Pharmacy

Everyone uses Google Maps for directions so why not run ads for your pharmacy on Google? It’s a great way to stand out from your competition, increase phone calls and generate foot traffic.

Keywords that boost SEO

We focus on keywords that patients may be typing on Google and have your pharmacy rank at the top. Through Google Ads we can boost your visibility to potential patients looking for a pharmacy in their area. We can also highlight certain promotions currently being offered by the pharmacy in a Google Ad.

In addition to our Google Ads service we also will maintain your Google My Business listing. We will keep the listing updated and create posts to help with SEO.

Google Maps and Ads for Pharmacies, photo of pharmacy staff and pharmacy location on Google
Photo of pharmacy website design examples for pharmacy marketing

Web Design for Pharmacy

Included in our social media + Google package is a custom designed pharmacy website. Our websites are tailored to your pharmacy and brand. All of our designs are custom and unique, gone are the days of templated websites. If your website is a template, contact us.

A professional pharmacy website is key to any marketing strategy.

With a website from PharmacyLive your business will have a professional design that stands out from the competition in your area. Our designers work with you to create a solution that fits your pharmacy all while adhering to ADA and HIPAA compliance.

All of our websites include a refill/transfer link so patients can refill/transfer prescriptions on your website. PharmacyLive marketing is best for pharmacist who want to start with online business or who have already started trying online pharmacy. PharmacyLive websites are professionally maintained and hosted. To view our website portfolio please click here.

 #5 Best Social Media Marketing Strategies For Pharmacies

The social media platform is the most recent method to build the pharmacy business. They let people promote their skills, share information about products and services and boost the visibility of the pharmacy profession in the local, national, and even international level. It’s also a good method for pharmacists to boost their careers.

Google ads for pharmacies can be a great way to introduce your business and advertise its services. Just like other types of advertisements, you’ll want to use Google Adwords for this purpose because it offers metrics that tell how effective each ad was in bringing new customers or making old ones return more often than they had before!

Social media for pharmacies has become a powerful tool for gaining visibility in the pharmacy industry. Pharmacists who want to take advantage of this opportunity should make their presence known on various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube by creating engaging content that is tailored specifically towards customers’ needs.

The best pharmacy Facebook pages are those focused on customer reviews and informing the public about new medicines. Companies should create a profile that reflects their high standards, professionalism, care for its patients‘ needs as well as other valuable services like prescriptions assistance programs or wellness clinics.

Here’s some tips and strategies your pharmacist need to build an image of credibility in social media.

1. Select the correct platform

The right social media platform is important for any business. There are many things to consider when choosing an appropriate one: how much time do you have? What type of content should your posts be about (or can they simply act as referrals)? How often will people visit this page on their phone rather than bringing up Google search results all day long if I put it front-and-centre where everyone sees my logo every five seconds?”.

Some platforms specifically target a business audience (LinkedIn) or businesses and individuals (Facebook), while others are more news-led (Twitter) or visual (Instagram/Snapchat/YouTube).

2. Value-Added Content

The content marketing strategies used within the pharmaceutical industries need to be consistent within corporate policies and goals. Every piece of content should provide value to different audience segments. Branded, targeted and value-driven content gives the current and potential patients with pertinent data and can help businesses increase their customer base dramatically.

3. Differentiate & Evolve

A pharmacy that wants to stand out on social media must be able to differentiate itself. Many pharmacies are using social media to reach customers, but not all of them have the right plan in place. The best way for a pharmacy with limited marketing budget and resources like time or money is by being creative when it comes designing your company’s profile on various social media platforms.

Create original content that people want, need and expect from a business and then use it on Facebook page, Twitter account and other platforms. Thus a profile that is able to rise in the ranks of social media must be different from its competitors.

4. Influencer Marketing

A new trend in the world of marketing is influencer marketing. Influencers are people who have large follower counts and many other individuals whose opinions they shape, can lead them to having a significant effect on how others perceive an item or service that’s being promoted.

Although it is difficult to find effective influencers, additional data, and analysis of results from past influencer campaigns will provide insight. In the health industry the most influential people are people who suffer from illness or who are aware of a medical condition and treatment strategies. They are also known as Subject Experts. They are they generally have a loyal group of customers who appreciate their suggestions.

More than 90% of the young people trust the information they get via social media. Pharma companies can benefit from this audience by engaging with them through influential industry experts and thought leaders.

5. Negative Feedback and Response

Pharmacy professionals are often the target of negative comments on social media. It’s important to stay professional no matter what people say or post online, because there is always someone ready with an opinion about your professionBe prepared for any amount of hate-filled feedback you may receive while using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

It’s important that your communication reflects professionalism through all channels; therefore, we recommend putting effort into making sure every post is politely worded in order not only respond but also improve customer sentiment toward the pharmacy company!

Does not matter if individuals have expressed displeasure, the thing that matters is how the pharmacy team has responded and impressed the viewers. Pharmacy marketing is an effective and powerful tool when it comes to getting new customers. It’s important that you have an engaging, creative campaign for the right people who need helpful information about your product or services.

Frequently Asked Question

Why Pharmacy Social Media Marketing is important?

Every pharmacy should use social media marketing to increase brand awareness. Patients need to be able to trust their pharmacy and social media helps build that trust. Social media is also a great way for potential customers to know your staff before even stepping into your business.

What services do you provide in social media marketing for pharmacies?

PharmacyLive provides Facebook, Instagram and Google marketing for independent pharmacies across the country. We create custom and branded content for your social media feeds and also run a variety of social and Google ads to reach new patients in your area.

Why do small pharmacies need social media marketing in 2021?

No matter the size of your business, you need to keep your social media and Google listings relevant and up to date. If your pharmacy hasn’t updated your social accounts in over a year patients will notice this and lose trust in your business.

What are the advantages for starting pharmacy social media marketing for business?

Having an active social media and Google presence can lead a pharmacy to reach new customers and prescribers in their community. It also allows your business to keep in touch with current customers and to let them know all that is going on at the pharmacy. (Example: Flu shots are going to be available in November.)